Winter Rim Desk — Friends of Crater Lake
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Winter Rim Desk

december 2024 — april 2025



Jodi Glover Thiel (



To check availability, click HERE.
Please check availability before registering to volunteer.



Please provide the following information. Please fill out this form for each time you’d like to volunteer. Jodi will follow up to confirm your volunteer slot. Thank you for your support of Crater Lake and the Friends!


weather & gear considerations

Winter weather is cold and unpredictable. Pack gear accordingly.
Recommendations: sturdy footwear, winter clothing, Yak-Trax, hat, gloves, etc. Plan to carry what you need for the day, including water and snacks and lunch.



The Park provides housing for Rim Desk volunteers who RSVP requesting housing. Housing is limited to 4 people. Only trained volunteers are allowed to stay in housing.

*Remember to take additional consumable supplies (e.g. toilet paper, coffee filters, etc.). Please reach out with questions or concerns about supplies or housing.


additional information

When performing this work, volunteers are required to sign up as National Park Service Volunteers In Parks (VIPs).  This involves signing a Volunteer Agreement, a piece of paper which contains a very broad job description.  Volunteers are treated as NPS employees should there be a Tort Claim or Injury.  But, you are ‘covered’ only if you are performing assigned tasks as described in the Agreement. You won’t be asked to do anything that is outside of the Agreement and you certainly must not stray from the Agreement.  No volunteer activities will start until Agreements are signed by all involved volunteers. The Crater Lake staff will provide supervisors.  Do what they ask.  Don’t do what they prohibit, etc. Safety is our first and last priority.  Wear any and all personal protective equipment (PPE) suggested and provided.